Why uPVC is better than any other material

Unplasticized polyvinyl chloride (uPVC) is one of the most versatile and sustainable materials used for windows and doors by the construction industry. Since it is unplasticized, uPVC is more rigid and brings a range of benefits other materials cannot match.

uPVC is the ideal choice for windows and doors. Unlike wood, steel, iron and aluminium, it retains its shape in all weather conditions.

Why Say ‘No” To ALUMINIUM Frames

To produce just one tonne of aluminium requires as much energy as a family uses in 20 years. Besides, aluminum windows are very light and less desirable for ensuring security of your home. Due to lack of strength, aluminium cannot support very tall windows and doors.

Aluminum is not energy efficient and requires regular maintenance due to anodization. It is also prone to oxidation and is susceptible to corrosion especially if you live near coastal environments.

Why Say ‘No’ To WOODEN Frames

With deforestation happening at an alarming rate, wooden windows and doors pose a threat to the environment.

Wood is an organic and porous material and is hence susceptible to humidity and the elements. Wooden windows and doors are subject to rot or insect infestation if not properly maintained. They are prone to warping that often occurs from moisture and sunlight. Wood also shrinks and expands drastically in response to weather changes. There is also a huge problem in waterproofing wooden windows.

Why say ‘No” to IRON Frames

Iron rusts, jams and squeaks. It is heavier, tough to shape it right and difficult to get a perfect fit. High maintenance and requires frequent repainting. Besides, it uses up lot of natural minerals and requires a lot power to produce one tonne of iron.

They also work out to be expensive in the long run and difficult to install when compared to other materials. It gets even worse if you live in coastal areas, iron windows and doors corrode easily.

Why Say ‘No’ To PVC Frames

PVC, short for polyvinyl chloride, is a plastic and commonly used in construction. However, due to its toxic nature, it is not ideal for homes and commercial spaces as PVC releases dangerous levels of dioxin and other carcinogens.

Why uPVC Windows and Doors?

uPVC windows and doors from Venster are high on performance and low on maintenance. They are highly durable, do not rot, corrode or warp and look as good as new for decades. The multi-chambered design along with the unique double seal mechanism reduces noise by up to 30-40 dB.
uPVC doors and windows from Venster are perfect for seaside locations and high-rise buildings as these uPVC doors and windows are resistant to strong winds and heavy rains. Unlike wooden windows and doors, VENSTER uPVC windows and doors are termite-proof and fire-resistant. These windows also help cut A/C power bills while being lead-free and completely recyclable.

Whether you are the proud owner of a villa, or a modern apartment, or state-of-the-art office space, Aparna VENSTER meet your demand for a world-class uPVC window and door system.

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